UpT is the newest application for highly productive trainings.

UpT is the newest application for highly productive trainings.

Sounds like something impossible? Rather! The service UpT has already been tested by many sportsmen and received the highest grade from professional trainers and athletes.

The application works using artificial intelligence and computer vision. By installing the application, you will be able to train just like if you would do it together with an experienced tutor. UpT ensures as close cooperation of trainer and sportsman as possible and allows to consider not only sex, stature, age, but also the particularities of the athlete’s biomechanics, the skill level, physical shape, dynamics of movements, punching power and so on.

You can train online or use asynchronous mode when the video of your training – exercises, punches, movements – is downloaded to a cloud computing platform.

The algorithms of artificial intelligence build a digital skeleton of athlete: digitize his movements, divide them to phases and analyze. The analysis uses the technology developed by professional trainers basing on scientific methods of the Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, The Youth and Tourism.

Using the application UpT, a trainer marks sportsman’s movements, identify the errors, gives detailed recommendations. Thanks to the training marking, the UpT’s neural network continues its education.

The service UpT will give you the opportunity to improve your technique not according to a template like with other training applications, but individually, receiving personal, detailed instructions from the most effective tutors – the country’s best trainers and Olympic champions.
2023-02-16 17:14